Landscapes of memory is a published documentation of Bhopal 2011: student workshop and requiem and revitalization symposium which was conducted in Bhopal, India between 23rd January and 14th February 2011. The action research initiative explored the significance of the Union Carbide industrial site - its heritage as the site of the Bhopal gas tragedy, its present condition as an abandoned industrial brownfield site and its relevance as a future site for the commemoration of the victim’s of the world’s greatest industrial disaster. The event and this publication is the result of the collaborative efforts of many individuals and institutions- modern Asian Architecture Network (mAAN), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), The Research Council of Norway and University of Gothenburg, Sweden to name a few.
Visit the Bhopal 2011 Workshop here
Read the introduction to the book here
Heritage Hackathon at The Design Village
The Bhopal Gas Tragedy Memorial
mAAN Workshop, Padang